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Audubon, IA

Right Now
  • Humidity: 83%
  • Feels Like: 49°
  • Heat Index: 53°
  • Wind: 11 mph
  • Wind Chill: 49°
  • UV Index: 0 Low
  • Sunrise: 06:15:54 AM
  • Sunset: 08:19:01 PM
  • Dew Point: 47°
  • Visibility: 10 mi


Showers and thunderstorms. Low 49F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Locally heavy rainfall possible.


Showers and thunderstorms. Low 49F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Locally heavy rainfall possible.


Thunderstorms in the morning, then cloudy skies late. High 63F. S winds shifting to NW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%.

Thunderstorms. Lows overnight in the upper 40s.

Chance of Rain: 93%

Sunrise: 06:15:54 AM

Sunset: 08:19:01 PM

Humidity: 88%

Wind: E @ 17 mph

UV Index: 0 Low

Wednesday Night

Showers and thunderstorms. Low 49F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Locally heavy rainfall possible.

Morning thunderstorms. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 40s.

Chance of Rain: 77%

Sunrise: 06:14:35 AM

Sunset: 08:20:06 PM

Humidity: 84%

Wind: WNW @ 13 mph

UV Index: 4 Moderate

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy skies. Low near 40F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.

Plenty of sun. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s.

Chance of Rain: 5%

Sunrise: 06:13:18 AM

Sunset: 08:21:11 PM

Humidity: 50%

Wind: ESE @ 7 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Friday Night

Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies and rain later during the night. Low 48F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.

Morning showers. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the low 40s.

Chance of Rain: 56%

Sunrise: 06:12:02 AM

Sunset: 08:22:16 PM

Humidity: 70%

Wind: N @ 12 mph

UV Index: 6 High

Saturday Night

Clear skies. Low 41F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.

Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 13%

Sunrise: 06:10:47 AM

Sunset: 08:23:20 PM

Humidity: 63%

Wind: ESE @ 10 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Sunday Night

A few clouds. Low 52F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.

Afternoon thunderstorms developing, windy. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

Chance of Rain: 45%

Sunrise: 06:09:34 AM

Sunset: 08:24:25 PM

Humidity: 77%

Wind: SSE @ 20 mph

UV Index: 5 Moderate

Monday Night

Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 54F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

Abundant sunshine. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 15%

Sunrise: 06:08:22 AM

Sunset: 08:25:29 PM

Humidity: 61%

Wind: WSW @ 14 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Tuesday Night

Mainly clear early, then a few clouds later on. Low 51F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.

WEST DES MOINES — Many health risks — like sitting too much, eating unhealthy foods and smoking — can be avoided. Other health threats — like not being able to get certain prescription medicines — are out of our control and can wreak havoc.

The Iowa Beef Industry Council and the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association are proud to announce the 15th Annual Iowa’s Best Burger Contest. Nominations will be taken from Monday, February 12 to Tuesday, March 12.

  • Updated

What would you do if you were given an extra day? How would you celebrate those extra moments? Would you start the day with a cup of coffee or a meditative walk watching the sunrise and ending with a great meal and a table full of loved ones at sunset? Would you make time to have lunch with …

The Federal Reserve emphasized that inflation has remained stubbornly high and said it doesn’t plan to cut interest rates until it has “greater confidence” that price increases are slowing sustainably to its 2% target. The Fed kept its key rate at a two-decade high of roughly 5.3%. Several hotter-than-expected reports have recently undercut the Fed’s belief that inflation was steadily easing. The combination of high rates and persistent inflation has also emerged as a potential threat to President Joe Biden’s re-election bid. “In recent months,” Chair Jerome Powell said, “inflation has shown a lack of further progress toward our 2% objective," adding, "It is likely that gaining greater confidence will take longer than previously expected.”

Administrators and campus police at UCLA are facing intense criticism for failing to act quickly to stop an attack on a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus by counter-demonstrators who threw traffic cones and chairs, released pepper spray and tore down barriers. No one was arrested Wednesday. At least 15 protesters suffered injuries in the confrontation, part of a recent spate of escalating violence that’s occurring on some college campuses nationally over the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. The call for more police intervention stood in stark contrast to other campuses across the U.S., where officers’ actions were strongly condemned.

A federal appeals court panel on Wednesday rejected a long-running lawsuit brought by young Oregon-based climate activists who argued that the U.S. government’s role in climate change violated their constitutional rights. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals previously ordered the case dismissed in 2020, saying that the job of determining the nation’s climate policies should fall to politicians, not judges. But U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken in Eugene, Oregon, instead allowed the activists to amend their lawsuit and last year ruled the case could go to trial. Acting on a request from the Biden administration, a three-judge 9th Circuit panel issued an order Wednesday requiring Aiken to dismiss the case, and she did.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has met with Israeli leaders in his push for a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas to impress on them that “the time is now" for an agreement that would free hostages and bring a pause in the nearly seven months of war. The current round of talks appears to be serious, with Hamas considering a new proposal. But the sides remain far apart on the key issue of whether the war should end as part of an emerging deal. In talks with Blinken, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his determination to carry out an offensive on the southern Gaza town of Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians are sheltering.

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There’s a number of of examples out there in sports over the weekend that redefined everything about sports.