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Audubon, IA

Right Now
  • Humidity: 99%
  • Feels Like: 44°
  • Heat Index: 49°
  • Wind: 11 mph
  • Wind Chill: 44°
  • UV Index: 3 Moderate
  • Sunrise: 06:14:21 AM
  • Sunset: 08:20 PM
  • Dew Point: 48°
  • Visibility: 10 mi


Rain showers this morning with overcast skies during the afternoon hours. High 62F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 100%.


Partly cloudy skies. Low 39F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.


Mostly sunny skies. High around 70F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.

Morning showers. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the upper 30s.

Chance of Rain: 99%

Sunrise: 06:14:21 AM

Sunset: 08:20 PM

Humidity: 85%

Wind: NW @ 15 mph

UV Index: 3 Moderate

Thursday Night

Partly cloudy skies. Low 39F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.

Plenty of sun. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the upper 40s.

Chance of Rain: 4%

Sunrise: 06:13:04 AM

Sunset: 08:21:05 PM

Humidity: 50%

Wind: SSE @ 9 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Friday Night

Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies and rain later during the night. Low 47F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.

Morning showers. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 40s.

Chance of Rain: 56%

Sunrise: 06:11:48 AM

Sunset: 08:22:10 PM

Humidity: 73%

Wind: N @ 12 mph

UV Index: 7 High

Saturday Night

A mostly clear sky. Low around 40F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.

Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 14%

Sunrise: 06:10:33 AM

Sunset: 08:23:15 PM

Humidity: 62%

Wind: E @ 10 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Sunday Night

Partly cloudy in the evening with more clouds for later at night. Low 52F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.

A few thunderstorms possible. Potential for severe thunderstorms. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 55%

Sunrise: 06:09:20 AM

Sunset: 08:24:19 PM

Humidity: 78%

Wind: SE @ 20 mph

UV Index: 5 Moderate

Monday Night

Thunderstorms during the evening followed by occasional showers overnight. Low 52F. Winds S at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 80%.

Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Chance of Rain: 14%

Sunrise: 06:08:08 AM

Sunset: 08:25:23 PM

Humidity: 61%

Wind: SW @ 16 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Tuesday Night

A few clouds from time to time. Low 51F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.

Mostly sunny. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the mid 40s.

Chance of Rain: 19%

Sunrise: 06:06:57 AM

Sunset: 08:26:27 PM

Humidity: 58%

Wind: W @ 14 mph

UV Index: 8 Very High

Wednesday Night

Clear. Low 44F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.

WEST DES MOINES — Many health risks — like sitting too much, eating unhealthy foods and smoking — can be avoided. Other health threats — like not being able to get certain prescription medicines — are out of our control and can wreak havoc.

The Iowa Beef Industry Council and the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association are proud to announce the 15th Annual Iowa’s Best Burger Contest. Nominations will be taken from Monday, February 12 to Tuesday, March 12.

  • Updated

What would you do if you were given an extra day? How would you celebrate those extra moments? Would you start the day with a cup of coffee or a meditative walk watching the sunrise and ending with a great meal and a table full of loved ones at sunset? Would you make time to have lunch with …

Police removed barricades and began dismantling a pro-Palestinian demonstrators’ encampment on the UCLA campus. Thursday morning’s law enforcement action comes after officers spent hours threatening arrests over loud speakers if people did not disperse. The sound of flash-bangs could be heard as police moved in. Police detained a handful of people on campus, tying their wrists with zip ties. Hundreds had gathered on campus, both inside a barricaded tent encampment and outside of it in support. The police action occurred a night after the UCLA administration and campus police waited hours to stop the counter-protesters’ attack. The delay drew condemnation from Muslim students and California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

New estimates from the United Nations show that if the Israel-Hamas war stopped today, it would still take until 2040 to rebuild all the homes that have been destroyed in nearly seven months of Israel’s bombardment and ground offensives in the territory. The United States has pressured Israel to increase aid deliveries during the war. The death toll in Gaza is more than 34,500 Palestinians, and the territory faces a humanitarian catastrophe. The war has driven around 80% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million from their homes and pushed northern Gaza to the brink of famine. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been pressing for a cease-fire deal while visiting the region.

Millions of voters in England and Wales will cast their ballots in an array of local elections. The voting on Thursday will be the last big test before a U.K. general election that all indicators show will see the Conservative Party ousted from power after 14 years. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will hope he can point to some successes, including in a couple of key mayoral races. That would douse talk that the Conservative Party will change leader once again before the United Kingdom's main election. The leader of the main opposition Labour Party will be hoping that the party is on course to sweep to power for the first time since 2010.

World markets are wobbling after U.S. stocks swung to a mixed finish with the Federal Reserve delaying cuts to interest rates. U.S. futures surged and oil prices were higher. The Japanese yen rose in early Asia hours, but then fell and erased the previous gains. Markets in Australia and Hong Kong rose, while Japan's index was little changed. The S&P 500 fell 0.3% Wednesday after seeing a big afternoon rally evaporate. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.2%, and the Nasdaq composite lost 0.3%. The Fed’s chair said inflation is taking longer than expected to get under control, but rate hikes are not soon likely.

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There’s a number of of examples out there in sports over the weekend that redefined everything about sports.